

import React, { FC } from 'react'
import groupResources from './utils/group-resources'
import SidebarParent from './sidebar-parent'
import ResourceJSON from '../../../../backend/decorators/resource-json.interface'
import allowOverride from '../../../hoc/allow-override'

 * @alias SidebarResourceSectionProps
 * @memberof SidebarResourceSection
export type SidebarResourceSectionProps = {
  /** List of the resources which should be rendered */
  resources: Array<ResourceJSON>;

 * Groups resources by sections and renders the list in {@link Sidebar}
 * ### Usage
 * ```
 * import { SidebarResourceSection } from 'admin-bro`
 * ```
 * @component
 * @subcategory Application
 * @name SidebarResourceSection
const SidebarResourceSectionOriginal: FC<SidebarResourceSectionProps> = ({ resources }) => {
  const groupedResources = groupResources(resources)

  return (
          .map(parent => (
            <SidebarParent parent={parent} key={} />

// Rollup cannot handle type exports well - that is why we need to do this hack with
// exporting default and named SidebarResourceSection
const SidebarResourceSection = allowOverride(SidebarResourceSectionOriginal, 'SidebarResourceSection')

export { SidebarResourceSection }
export default SidebarResourceSection